Monday, July 30, 2007

monthly check in

We had our monthly check in today. Not much going on, nothing new to report. They know we need more profiles (and we are working on them), and asked about our home study, which is going to expire in a bit. We've had the home study update, so we're just waiting for it to be completed and sent in.

That is about it. we went out tonight to celebrate the fact that Mike's last scheduled on-call shift was yesterday. He'll be regular 8-5 days now for the most part. It's going to take a bit for him to get used to a regular sleep schedule- and hopefully by the time he does, we'll have a little one with a new sleep schedule to adjust to ;)

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Lucky # 13?

Well, we're at the 13 month mark. Will 13 be our lucky number? We shall see....

Friday, July 27, 2007

Our plans this weekend

Well, this weekend will be an interesting and busy one for us. Mike is on call all weekend, but it's his last weekend to be on call (most likely). Starting Aug 1 he is scheduled to do an 8-5 M-F work week. It will be nice to have him not on call so much.

I'll be working on profiles. We got an email last night that they went to get some of our profiles to take on the US tour (where they give them to doctors and social workers, etc), and they only had our old ones left. So, they need about 30 new ones. My job this weekend is to update it a bit (some new pictures) and get it printed off.

So we'll be busy!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Mike came home earlier this week

Mike came home earlier this week from work at his usual time. When he came into the office to kiss me, as he does every day, he had a list. Apparently, he'd had some time to think during the day, and work on a list of things we would need should we get the call soon.

He had it divided up into three columns. One was work. The other was house. The third was baby. And boy, did he put some thought into it.

The work one was mostly for him, and things that he might need to bring should we be delayed enough away from home and he'd need to log in some work hours. He also took into account my work, and had notes for things I would need to bring as well. It was a pretty extensive list.

The second was home. It included both things we would need to take (camera, clothes, nice outfits to wear before the judge, books, computer, paperwork, etc) as well as notes to call the lawyer, our home study coordinator, Lifetime, etc. He also included making sure Precious had enough food and water, and that we had someone reliable lined up to come stop in and visit with her while we were gone.

The last was baby. And with this he included things we would need, including diapers, clothing, age related toys, car seat, formula, etc. Everything we'd need to keep baby entertained while stuck in a hotel room for a few days or more.

It was so neat to see him do that, and put such thought into it. With his list, we'll have a fantastic start when we finally do get that call. He is such a sweetie, and will make a wonderful father.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Primetime: Beyond Love- the Road to Adoption

ABC Primetime is running a series on Family Secrets. Tonight's show is 'Beyond Love': The Road to Adoption. It should be interesting, as it is telling about the birth mother's perspective. It's following two teenage girls through their pregnancies and as they set up an adoption plan. These two happen to take place at The Gladney Center for Adoption, which has free dormitory style housing, counseling, medical care and more for birth mothers.

We looked in to Gladney, into their domestic program. It's actually the first one we applied to. After submitting the application, a few weeks later we received a letter from them. They told us that we were not selected for the domestic program (I guess their 'quota' of people like us was full), but that we were accepted into the international program. We talked about it, and decided that was not the route we wanted to go. When we asked about what it would take to get into the domestic program, they never really gave us a solid answer. And then, they were surprised that we did not want to go the international route. So, we parted ways.

We plan on watching the show, it should be interesting.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Life is good

No, we still don't have "the call" yet, but life in general is very good.

We've rid ourselves of some negative influences in our lives. We're both working out on the treadmill and losing weight. We're eating healthier, and are overall feeling better about ourselves. Both of us have wonderful things going on in our jobs. Elizabeth's Noah's Ark business is picking up, and Mike is about to go on an 8-5 regular schedule, with little OT and no weekends. The house is organized. The nursery is set up, and slowly being decorated. Our 14 year old cat, Precious, is doing well. And we have great friends and family. Things are really starting to fall into place.

So now, we're ready. Hopefully something will happen soon. That's all we are missing, and, as Mike says "bring it on". It's in our hearts, our minds, and our prayers every day, and hopefully soon, we'll be sharing good news.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Baby Fever

Baby fever has struck our household. Both Mike and I can't wait to be parents. We both long for that feeling of a child in our lives. Mike is so cute, and you can tell he wants to be a dad so bad. He is more than ready, and often says "bring it on". He asks if my friends will bring their little ones over, so he can see them. And everytime one of his coworkers' little ones stop by- Mike is one of the first ones to be there and play with the little one.

It's hard to be patient and wait, and hard to plan for the future. We talk about trips, upcoming plans. We need to figure out, should we plan on using some of his vacation now? Will we need to make arrangements when Mike has to work, and I am on my cruise with the girls? Can we both take the cruise that I (hopefully) will win through Noah's Ark? Should we plan on a babysitter? We've done everything right. There is nothing left to do but wait. But waiting leads to restlessness and wanting.

We are fortunate in that we have many children in our lives. And so when we do need our "baby fix" we can spend time with our nieces, nephews, and friend's children. It means the world to us when whe are able to spend time with these precious little ones, probably more than their parents realize. For now, it'll hold us, and help with our baby fever, until we are able to bring our own little one home.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Things you learn at baby showers

I was fortunate enough to cohost a baby shower for a good friend of mine yesterday. After a little scare (she went into preterm labor- but it was stopped) on Friday, she was more than ready to party on Sat. and celebrate her little one's upcoming arrival.

It was a lot of fun. There was a great mix of women there, and it was neat to see everyone, and how they reacted to different things. There was a good mix of non-moms (those not interested in being moms, or waiting to start trying), moms-in-waiting (those who are trying, pregnant, or waiting for the call), and moms (self explanatory). Plus 3 cute little ones ranging from less than 2 months to a toddler.

We played the game BabySmarts, and it was really interesting. It led to discussions on the various topics, and we all learned a little from it. Even if you just get the cards to read, it's worth it. There are four categories, Baby, Culture, Mom and Wild Card. And not only do they ask a question (typically true/false or multiple choice) and give the answer, but it also explains, going into further detail. Obviously some of the already moms were a bit more knoweldgeable in the subjects, but honestly, everyone learned something from it. It was fun to play.

The mom of the one month old pulled out a moby wrap when her little one was fussy, and just wanted to snuggle next to mom. At $39.95 and with protection from UV rays with the Rayoscan Process, it's a pretty neat thing. It's basically a long piece of cloth, and there are many different ways that you can wrap it around you, to snuggle baby in. It's a matter of finding the most comfortable fit for you and baby. You can even us it to carry baby on your back. It's very soft too. I am thinking of ordering one - It looks like it will come in handy.

One thing that the mom to be received was a changing pad, along with several changing pad covers. This led to a discussion as to how wonderful it is to have more than one cover - two at a minimum. And we totally agree- it makes a lot of sense, and it's necessary.

One of the things I gave the mom to be was a kozy pal cart cover. She is going to pick out the pattern she wants, and then I'll order it for her. I learned about this product several years ago, and have been giving it to friends and family since then. It's great! The covers not only fit in the carts, but also in most restuarnt high chairs. It does take a few weeks for them to come in (she goes by an order list). So I am probably going to go ahead and buy ours now. I love the turquoise chic stripe that I have pictured here.

Mom to be received a Diaper Champ. It's a diaper pail. Those really do come in handy. Mom to be mentioned that at another shower, someone said they didnt understand why she would regeister for a diaper pail, when a simple trash can with a foot pedal would work just as fine. That led to another fun discussion. Diaper pails are so handy now, and have so many features. They help eliminate smells, and overall make the room more pleasant. We are looking at the Graco Touch Free Pail ourselves. We actually could use one already- as right now, when we have a little one over and we change a diaper we just stick it in a gallon size zip lock bag and stick it in the trashcan. If the little one had a major diaper issue, this can sometimes stink up the pantry. I know many people who have used the Diaper Genie. Though I will say the new models out now are much easier to use than the older models from when my nephews were born.

Boudreaux's Butt Paste was also a popular, and very much discussed item. This product is awesome, and through the years I have found out through discussions with friends and family that it actually has many different uses for various rashes and ailments. It's also one of the best for baby's diaper rash.

One of the moms suggested to the mom to be that she invest in a few preemie outfits. Even if they are born on time, sometimes the newborn clothes swim on them. So it doesn't hurt to have a few preemie outfits just in case. Keep the tags on and you can always return them or give them to someone else.

A discussion on newborn diapers also took place, as the mom to be received Huggies Supreme Newborn Diapers and Pampers Swaddlers in size newborn. From the moms with experience, they all agreed that the Huggies newborn diapers were a bit smaller than the pampers newborn diapers. But that both were good. One of the moms insists though, that the Target brand of diapers is the absoulte best.

There were more things discussed, it was a lot of fun. It's neat to get together with women who are in various stages and interests in becoming (or not becoming) parents, and share thoughts and experiences.

I know that as our adoption progresses, I'm taking notes. And looking for things that will come in handy with out little one(s).

Friday, July 13, 2007


It's times like this, and weeks like this that you realize who your true friends are. It's been a rough week, full of ups and downs. I want to thank my true friends who were there for me, helped me, and supported me. I am very lucky to have the friends that I do, both new and old. I don't think I thank them enough for being the great people that they are.

A note, a call, a post, a shout out, even an instant message can make all the difference in the world when you are feeling down or upset about something. And when being a bit unrealistic, or idealistic about something, a friend is there to tell you (kindly) that you are being stubborn or might have a bit of a skewed view on things. A true friend supports you, but also accepts you for who you are. True, good friends are really hard to find, and when we are lucky enough to have them, they should be cherished.

I was fortunate enough to gather friends along the way as I grew up, went to college, worked, planned a wedding.... and now I am gaining more friends as we go through the adoption process. I really do appreciate all those friends, and their support. I don't think I thank them enough for being who they are, but they really do all, in their own way, have a special place in my heart.

Our children are going to have lots of "aunts" and "uncles" in their lives. And for this we are very lucky and blessed....

I know we don't say it enough, but thank you for your friendship, it means the world to us.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

We tell ourselves

I am on several message boards, and changed my signature recently. It's a way to remind me to stay positive, and know that something is going to happen soon.

We tell ourselves "our baby is being born today" because one day it WILL be true.

And you know what, one day it will be true. We can't wait, and we hope it's soon.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Homestudy day

Well, we had our homestudy update today. It went well, we really enjoyed chatting with her. We showed her all the things we had done (including the nursery and the guest room) since she was last here.

We also talked about changes, Mike's job change (almost no on call hours starting in Aug!), my change from SAF being bought out to Noah's Ark, and the flexibility that I have with my business. We also talked about family changes (since we have a new niece since the last time we saw her), and other changes in the family.

We changed some of our preferences too, to make us more open to more situations. Hopefully something good will come out of it :)

Homestudies are now good for every 6 months now, so we'll have to do another update in another six months. Hopefully something happens so we don't have to!

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Spring Cleaning

This weekend we are doing a quick spring cleaning.

Why you ask? Well, we needed some motivation to do it, and now we have it. We are having our updated home study tomorrow.

So, it's forcing us to do a few things we've been thinking of doing, but haven't actually done. We don't have a lot to do, and actually this homestudy update should go pretty quickly and easily. But we're getting around to organizing the office, and putting up a screen between the guest half of the guest room and the Noah's Ark half of the guest room.

As I write this, Mike is out picking out two screens for the room. He's also picking up some cabinet locks. We know it's probably a good thing to go ahead and start babyproofing our home a bit more. We do it a little at a time (the outlet plugs have been up for about a year), and this seemed like the right time to do it. Plus, we plan on having nieces and nephews over this summer, and one in particular likes to explore cabinets.

We'll do a little more work in the nursery too- straightening it up a bit, maybe put a few more pictures on the wall.

Basic stuff, but it makes all the difference in the world, and makes us feel better too.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

A shirt, and a quick note

I ordered a shirt from and recieved it on Tuesday. The company was founded by a mom who adopted from China. And as her site says, it has "unique adoption themed designs". What I love is that they are both cute and hip, and made for women. And the shirts themselves are very well made (I like the one I got!). I love that it's not the standard plain unisex t-shirt that tends to be too boxy and long.

When I received my package in the mail on Tuesday, I was pleasantly surprised to find an encouraging note from Jennifer, the owner of the company. It was so nice of her to take the time to write a personalized note to me. It really meant a lot to me.

Especially since she is about to embark on a two week volunteering expedition to China. She's got a blog, and I'll be following along.

I think that's really neat. I'm on the lookout for products like this - it's nice to know they are out there. And even nicer to know that the people who design and make the products may take the time to write you an encouraging note or email. I'm impressed.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Lazy Weekends

So, I told Mike, we ought to enjoy them while we have them. And take advantage of them while they are here. Because eventually we won't be able to stay up until 2 am or sleep in until midnight. Eat dinner at 830 PM. Hang out on the couch, be lazy.

We know it's going to happen sometime in the future, so we take advantage, enjoy it while we can. Everyone always says the grass is always greener on the other side, and in a few weeks, months, or years we are probably going to be wishing we could have a weekend like that... but it's all good- that's what vacations are for!