Wednesday, August 16, 2006


A friend shared these poems with me:

Dear God,
Please bring my beautiful baby home to me soon,
I need to rock her 'neath the light of the moon,
I need to kiss her warm soft, sweet face,
I want to teach her of your love and grace.
She needs to know I'm her parent for keeps,
She needs to know I'll watch while she sleeps.
I know you've a plan, you're much wiser than I,
But I fear you've forgotten, as time passes by.
I'll watch for a sign and I'll know that you're there,
I'll pray for some news and remember you care.
-A Waiting Parent

Dear Waiting Parent,
You think that the process moves slowly, not surely,
I promise it's both, but change mustn't come early.
Your faith must be strong, open and steady,
Your baby will be here, but not till I'm ready.
I'll never forget you; I do have a plan,
Not easily understood by mere man.
While you are here waiting for news you can share,
A foster family waits for pain they must bear.
To your wonderful child, they must say good-bye,
You know, to them, time really does fly!
Think of them as you wait and prepare,
Pray for their strength; be grateful they're there.
I'm with them too, just as I am with you.
I know how it is to be far from your child,
I want to hold YOU and make all your fears mild.
Believe, little one, that the sun is my kiss,
Believe that you'll share so much more than you'll miss!
Your baby is coming home to you soon!
Hold her, kiss her, 'neath the light of My moon.

Jodi S. Crubaugh

In all the hurry up and wait, it's smart to remember that everything is going to happen in due time. There is not really much we can do about this part, just have faith that things will happen when they are supposed to.

This poem can apply to us quite a bit, though most likely our little one won't have a foster family. Our adoption facilitator mostly ends up with newborns, so chances are good we will end up with a newborn. Though we said we'd be more than happy to consider up to age two!

The latest numbers I have are that Lifetime placed 12 babies in the month of June. That is fantastic! You can read more about newly created Lifetime forever families here.

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