Thursday, March 01, 2007

8 months

Well, we are at 8 months now. If we were pregnant, we'd most likely know if we were having a boy or a girl. We'd have the nursery all done. Bottles, diapers, clothes, all ready to be used. We'd be getting bags ready for "when it's time" to head to the hospital. We'd know that shortly we'd be bringing a baby home and into our lives. We'd be ready, prepared, and know what we were getting into, when it would happen (or at least a pretty good idea). But no. We don't know, know just as little now as we did when we started. Who knows when it's going to happen for us? It could be any time. Then, we'll scramble to get the bags together, the last minute things we need. Bottles, formula, diapers, etc.

We had our check in this week. Nothing new to report. They don't need any more profiles. So we leave it at that, and check in next month.

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